A lot of you might wonder what is cortisol, well cortisol is a hormone that is secreted by your adrenal gland in small doses. Cortisol is well known to be released as a response to feeling threatened. This secretion will give you a little extra energy you will need to respond while you are feeling threatened.

However, feeling stressed regularly because of work, love, lifestyle, or anything else will increase cortisol levels in your body and will be at a constant high level. This is why cortisol is also labeled as a “stress hormone”.

Let’s look into how high levels of Cortisol affect your health :

High Cortisol leads to

High levels of cortisol interferes with the natural insulin (processing sugar) that your body produces. Along with that, you might even notice weight gain, mood swings, sleep deprivation, and fluctuations in blood pressure. Research also shows that a high level of cortisol in your system might cause:

  • Inflammation of Internal Organs
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Decreased Immunity
  • Legumes
  • Hunger
  • Acid Re flux
  • Migraine

The above consequences are surely intimidating but there is an easy way to avoid them by simply making small changes in your lifestyle. Ways to reduce Cortisol Levels :

So let’s dive deep and look into ways to reduce cortisol levels:


Exercise helps in keeping cortisol and other hormones in balance, especially by swimming and riding a bike. Other exercises like walking in a park or greenery trail help in calming your mind and body.Taking a Multivitamin after your meal post exercise is the best practice to boost its benefits.


Benefits of yoga is a never-ending list. However, when you find yourself caught up in a stressful situation remember to take deep breaths and close your eyes if possible, this will help you clear up your head. Meditation is also very helpful in reducing your stress levels and keeping your mind and body at peace

No Caffeine

Caffeine is known to contain cortisol. Which clearly is a bad idea to consume when you are dealing with a high level of cortisol. If you are used to consuming a high amount of caffeine each day, practice avoiding it by reducing the quantity of caffeine each day


Diet plays an important role in all aspects of our life. So when you feel your cortisol levels going up, look into your diet. We suggest eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish. Avoid eating sugar and processed foods. Also, remember to take your nutritional supplements timely as they help in supplementing your diet and regulating sleep

No Alcohol

Alcohol might seem like an easy escape when you are stressed but the after-effects are worse. Avoid drinking alcohol heavily when you have high cortisol levels

Sleep Schedule

Your sleep schedule affects a lot of body functions and hormones. Efficient sleep can help improve your mood and reduces stress. You can take supplements that help regulate your sleep and make sure to at least space your dinner and sleep by 1-2 hours

Aromatic Therapy

Research has shown that Aromatic therapy like lighting centered candles and essential oil massages help relieve stress and help relax the mind and body. Also, who doesn’t want to pamper themselves with some spas


These lifestyle changes are small yet very effective and enjoyable. So exercise, eat and sleep well and do not forget to keep yourself hydrated with regular intake of your nutritional supplements.